The Sentinels
Among the three major responsibilities in The Protectorate, Sentinels are those who see combat, and have the most exposure to the world beyond the walls. Sentinels candidates are selected in routine voluntary trials that test physical fitness, judgement, and most importantly - loyalty to the Protectorate.
Titles and Roles
Title among Sentinels is more rigid and important than it is among the Assemblers, but less specific and bureaucratic than it may be in Citizen offices. The motif of First, Seconds, and Thirds still apply. The First is the commander-in-chief of the Sentinels, and the military authority of The Protectorate. Seconds are similar to Lieutenants, and Thirds are similar to Sergeants.
Supplementing these rankings are classifications that describe function. The most numerous are Wallsmen and Pikemen. The former specialize with firearms and the use & maintenance of stationary weaponry. The latter ground fight in teams, using powerful strikes with long polearms to deter large monsters. As an example of the naming convention, a Third Pikeman is a field command role, generally coordinating a squad of armored spearmen to deter monsters from directly assailing the wall, or sent to pursue and finish a creature wounded by the wall’s heavy firepower.
Other roles include:
Peacekeepers - these sentinels work inside the wall to keep peace and order. Presence of these figures is often more symbolic and comforting than it is actually necessary. Non-numbered peacekeeping is a rotating duty, giving time off the front lines. Second Peacekeepers and Third Peacekeepers are generally “retirement roles”, honoring those who have given years of service. In the event of wrongdoing, judgement and sentencing are the responsibility of the Citizen’s office.
Scouts - operatives trusted in ranging into the wild to gather intel on outsiders and monstrous threats. Often also used as couriers.
Rangers - a skirmishing role that emphasizes solo operation. Rangers go through firearms training with Wallsmen, but develop a wide range of skills in order to reinforce and support as necessary.
Quartermen - official traders who handle communication with tolerable outsiders and manage supplies.
Medics - a rare specialization. Potentia eliminates the need for most traditional medicine on a battlefield, so a “medic” is generally a very burly Sentinel who will physically move the wounded and weary from the front lines back to safe positions.
It’s rumored that a group exists within the Sentinels that specializes in fighting Outsiders, rather than monsters. Concrete information about this group is not available to the rank-and-file.
Uniform and Lifestyle
Sentinel garb varies somewhat with role. Wallsmen typically wear heavy coats, generally in grey or blue, suited to long periods of standing guard and with several pockets for ammo and simple rations. Pikemen typically wear light or medium armor. Despite the name, many Pikemen use guns, shields, and swords - but the Pike is an iconic mainstay.
Scouts and Rangers wear clothing that is easier to move in, sometimes unarmored, sometimes using camouflaged patterning, and sometimes wearing civilian clothing when acting as a courier or diplomatically engaging Outsiders.
Sentinels often get by on heavily processed foodstuffs. The Protectorate’s unique advantages in technology do not translate to tastier food bricks. Rations sometimes include chocolate, cheese, nuts, and dried fruit, depending on the capable work of Sentinel Quartermen.
The Protectorate is heavily nationalistic, and The Sentinels are no exception. Experiencing the realities of combat may dull this fervor. Some sentinels adopt a superior attitude when dealing with more sheltered members of The Protectorate. Others learn that certain Outsiders are trustworthy or even altruistic, and become jaded regarding The Protectorate’s teachings.